A codeless regression testing platform, testing business flow without adding plugins or writing a line of code. Accelerate end to end testing with Akira for web, desktop and mobile apps. On-demand solution that automates testing process and makes executing large and complex test suites simple.

current features

phase 2 features

Headless Automated Testing

A non UI based testing which is executed as a background worker test.

  • Scheduled
  • Manual
  • Triggered

Scenario based monitoring tool

this is a scheduled testing plan which can be utilized to monitor production application

  • Production Monitoring
  • Post Deployment Testing

Only Support Web Application Testing

Azure AD authentication

Browser Type Specific Testing

Selection of different browser for testing and compatibility

  • Chrome
  • IE
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Safari

Screenshot Support Testing

Dump screenshot of issues to user

Desktop Testing

  • Winium - Selenium Remote WebDriver implementation for automated testing of Windows application based on WinFroms and WPF platforms.

Mobile Application Testing

  • Appium - An open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps

Stress and Load Testing

execute multiple instance of testing

  • Single Server – standalone server testing
  • Multiple Client and Browser – farm base testing

technical specification

  • 1. Application Service
  • 2. SQL Services
  • 3. SendGrid
  • 4. Azure AD

Technology Stacks

  • I. MVC 4 Framework
  • II. C#
  • III. .NET 4.7.2
  • IV. Selenium Script

solution design




A Console Project published in WebJobs for scheduled runtime

A Library project which contains the centrally and commonly used class

An MVC Web Application which fulfill the UI layer of AKIRA